Generate sales, leads & awareness with
GOOGle Ads

We are the only agency who has certified google ads consultants in Peoria, IL


Hire an experienced and certified Google Ads agency in Peoria, IL, and start saving thousands of dollars in management fees.

Check the list of services we provide to Peoria and surrounding areas in Peoria County.


Get in front of people searching for exactly what you offer!

We'll help you get found on Google by people searching for exactly what you offer.


Reach your ideal customer with YouTube.

Run video ads on the biggest video platform in the world and grow your brand.


Mobile is growing, but there's still a ton of searches on desktop.

Dominate your market on mobile or desktop searches and get calls all day long from your Google Ads campaigns.


Remarketing is a must!

Reengage with customers who have already visited your site. Let’s recapture your audience with Remarketing


Need foot traffic?

Advertise on Google Maps. Get calls and make people aware of your location when they search for businesses like yours


Are you not getting enough sales on your website?

Get your products in front of people while they search for them on Google


We help companies advertise on Google. We set up and manage clients’ Google Ads accounts. We are responsible for launching the campaigns and then manage those campaigns on a weekly basis and report results monthly to our clients.

Our main focus is getting our clients the most high-quality traffic possible and generate the most quality leads and sales from Google with their given monthly budgets.

Google Ads, as of this writing, breaks down into five main advertising categories:

a)  Search Ads (desktop, mobile, and tablet)

b) Display Ads on Google’s Display Network (remarketing and other forms of display targeting)

c) YouTube Ads (Google owns YouTube)

d) Shopping Ads

e) App Ads

Here at Clear Profits we can work with you in all the five options above. If you need to advertise on Google, we are your guy.

Clear Profits is the only Google partner agency in Warren and Knox county. We are experts in the subject and we have Google certified professionals who can help you achieve your goals.

Yes, some of our clients run search ads on both Google and Microsoft (formerly known as Bing) and we manage both Google Ads campaigns and Microsoft Ads campaigns.

The majority of the campaigns we manage are for lead generation.  We help our clients get leads from Google Ads via phone calls and lead form submissions.

We work for lawyers,  roofers, insurance agencies, event venues, restaurants, property managers, e-commerce stores, government agencies, and the list goes on and on.

Pretty much we work for companies in every industry that needs to get leads from Google searches.

We work with clients from everywhere around the world.  We work with clients in Monmouth, where we are located, and we work with clients throughout the entire United States.  We also work with clients from places as far away as Brazil.

We work with both small and large clients.  Some of our clients spend as little as $500/month on Google Ads, while other clients spend as much as $3,000/month.  Most of our clients spend between $1,00/month and $5,000/month on Google Ads.

Being in multiple Google Ads accounts for 30 hours a week sure helps us to stay current with Google Ads! We are in lots of accounts every day, and all of that setting up and management activity helps us constantly improve and expand our Google Ads skill sets.

We also write about Google Ads on our blog, so that researching and teaching process helps us continue to improve.

In addition to that, the fact we are Google Partners so we have early access to new features as soon as they are release giving our customers competitive advantage. We get great support from a dedicated Google Partner team as well.

One of the beautiful things about Google Ads is that you can get instant results within a few hours of launching your campaign.

We set up your campaign, we launch it, and within a couple hours your ads will be live on Google searches for the keywords we decide to target.  Then that targeted traffic that we get in front of will click on your ads and a percentage of that traffic will call your business or fill out a lead form and you’ll be getting results.

Now, to be sure, your Google Ads campaigns will improve over the following weeks and months when we continually improve your campaigns based on the data we get in, so over the long term, results will get better and better.  But yes, with Google Ads you can start getting results from your campaigns instantly.

Most of our clients start with a monthly budget of $1,000 to $3,000 a month. But we have clients with a budget much larger than that.

If you’re new to Google Ads and want to try it out and don’t have a huge marketing budget, we recommend starting with a $1,000 to $3,000 a month budget.

We don’t recommend going any smaller than $500/month.

A nice feature about Google Ads is that the budget can be changed anytime.  So we can start at a certain monthly budget and then scale up as soon as you see results.

We accept clients from anywhere in the world.  Most of our clients are from West Central Illinois area. We have clients in Peoria, Galesburg, Monmouth, Roseville, Saint Augustine, Burlington, Quad Cities and other surrounding towns. 

Who We’ve Worked With In Iowa & Illinois

Our favorite brands are our friends! We help them to achieve their goals, they help us to stay sharp.


Google Partner agencies can get you higher quality search traffic and better return of investment from your monthly Google Ads budget.

Qualified to help

you stand out!

Qualified to help

you stand out!



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